Collared scops owl
Otus lettia
20 to 25 centimeters (8 to 10 inches)
120 to 200 grams (4.2 to 7.1 ounces)
(Horsfield, 1821)
Short Description:
Collared Scops Owl (Otus lettia) is a small owl species characterized by its distinctive appearance. It has a round head with prominent ear tufts, yellow eyes, and a brownish-gray plumage patterned with streaks and bars. The presence of a prominent collar-like pattern on the nape distinguishes it from other owl species.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Collared Scops Owl is found across various habitats, including forests, woodlands, and urban areas. It is distributed throughout the country, ranging from the lowlands to the foothills of mountainous regions.
The behavior of the Collared Scops Owl (Otus lettia) is characterized by its nocturnal habits and secretive nature. As a primarily nocturnal bird, it is most active during the night when it hunts for prey. Using its keen senses of sight and hearing, the Collared Scops Owl perches silently, waiting for the slightest movement of its prey, which includes insects, small mammals, birds, and other small vertebrates. It hunts by making short flights from tree to tree or by swooping down from a perch to catch its prey on the ground. During the breeding season, Collared Scops Owls communicate through soft hoots and whistles, which are often heard echoing through the night. They nest in tree cavities or utilize abandoned nests of other birds, where they lay a clutch of eggs and diligently incubate them until hatching. During the day, Collared Scops Owls rely on their cryptic plumage to blend into their surroundings, camouflaging themselves from potential predators. Overall, these secretive and adaptable birds play an essential role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
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